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And Then There Were Two...

I'm beginning to think we have Magic Goats because in a more curious turn of events, Juliette has started milking, too! Good thing we can make soap now - we've got more milk than we know what to do with. Harriet is up to 4 cups per day and Juliette is giving us 2 cups. That's 3/4 gallon! Even more oddly, Angela gave us a tiny bit of milk for a couple of days, but it wasn't developing into more, so we stopped milking her (for now?)

Juliette Thinks She's Helping

Almost from the beginning, we've trained our girls to the milk stand. It's where they eat their grains every day, and also a safe place for us to check them over, administer medication, trim their hooves, etc. It's also great for, you know, milking! Juliette does this weird thing, though... I think she thinks she's helping, but really her leg just gets more in the way.

Gaby Learns How to Milk a Goat!

Our lovely and talented friend Gaby came to visit for a few days and learned how to milk a goat! She got the hang of it pretty quickly. If you come to visit, we'll teach you how to milk, too!

Pasteurization - Safety First!

Pasteurization is actually far easier than I thought it would be. I heat the milk to 161', hold it there for 30 seconds, then cool it to 40' as quickly as possible in an ice bath.  After being pasteurized, the milk should keep in the fridge for about 2 weeks.

Want Milk? Wanna Trade?

We really don't want this milk to go to waste, so we're more than happy to share! If you've got something you'd like to trade for fresh milk from some very spoiled goats - let's chat!


© 2017 Thornberry Gatwick

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