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Angela Merkel

Angela moved in with us from Caromont Farm shortly after Thanksgiving 2016, when she was about 8 months old. While dealing with some parasite issues, she quickly discovered a bigger problem: Harriet and Ruth! Those two gave her a rough time at first, as herd hierarchy is very important to them and they wanted to make sure she knew she was at the bottom of the list as the newcomer. 

Since then, she has really come into her own and could sometimes be considered second place behind Queen Harry. While Angela is typically a very sweet girl, she's often a real jerk to Tootie! Angela has a very unique voice and we've nicknamed her "Beeps" because of the sounds she makes. Her distinctive markings include gorgeous black stripes, tips, and socks and soft brown stripes on her face. Her hobbies include selfies with Janet, head-butting Tootie, balancing on things, and deep, meaningful beep-versations with Stephen.


Born: March 2016

Color: cou clair & roan

Weight: 130 lbs

Beard? Yes!

© 2017 Thornberry Gatwick

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